Visas for which foreign children of former Japanese nationals may apply
Children born to a former Japanese national who has renounced their Japanese citizenship and become a foreign …
What are the requirements to become a “Long Term Resident(定住者)” after graduating from a Japanese high school and finding a job?
There is a system that makes it easier for foreign nationals who have graduated from elementary through high s…
[Examination Points] Prepare to apply for permanent residence from “Long Term Resident(定住者)”.
Long Term Residents can apply for permanent residence after 5 years from the date of becoming a Long Term Resi…
【International marriage】Can I bring my foreign partner’s stepchildren to Japan?
In an international marriage between a Japanese (permanent resident) and a foreigner with a child(ren) with th…
【Fourth-generation Japanese(日系四世)】Is it possible for descendants of Japanese person (日系人) to settle in Japan?
Some Japanese person may be interested in learning about Japan when they discover that their “roots̶…
Accompanying and Residing with Family Members of Specified Skilled Workers(特定技能外国人)
Can same-sex marriage partners get family visas?
In Japan, same-sex marriages are not recognized as valid marriages by law, and there is no such thing as a par…
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